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Author Archives: Caroline
My Birding Challenge

Today I am exactly half-way to completing the Cornell Lab of Ornithology/Ebird “Checklist-a-Day” challenge. I aim to record my bird sightings at least once per day for the entire 2020 year. I have made a comic in honor of this halfway point.
This challenge has improved my birding. I’m actually a terrible birder. But I’m getting better. I have become more familiar with my local ecosystem’s birds and their calls. I’ve gotten outside every day, which has been restorative during this pandemic. I’ve observed bird behavior and seen things, like a hairy woodpecker feeding its young, that I may not have noticed if not for this challenge. I look forward to what the rest of the year will bring – well, at least in terms of birding!

Indoor Gardening: Sprouts

Gardening and cooking can both be restorative activities when weathering a stressful situation. Combine them by growing some healthful sprouts! Here are some (affiliate) links to get you started:
(image adapted from my book, Broccoli for Breast Cancer)
One-Cauldron Chickpea Curry Illustrated Recipe
Here is a one-pot recipe I decided to illustrate for a contest that I did not win. Foolish judges. I borrowed heavily from my great-great aunt Katharine (okay, flagrantly copied) in order to learn some of her pen-and-ink techniques. I used Prismacolor markers. Next time I’ll go all authentic and use a quill and India ink, as she most likely did.
(right-click on the image and open in new tab or click here for a size you can actually read)
I like you just the way you are: The Colors of Mr. Rogers’ Sweaters 1979-2001
In honor of what would have been Fred Rogers’ 90th birthday, I am sharing a picture I painted.
I like you just the way you are: The Colors of Mr. Rogers’ Sweaters 1979-2001
Oil on Cradled Board
Each square represents an episode and the approximate color of the sweater that Mr. Rogers wore. There were three episodes during this stretch when Rogers went without a sweater.
A donation of $143 (Fred’s favorite number) will be made to the Fred Rogers Center in Latrobe, PA upon the sale of this painting.
See Fred talk about sweaters here and here.
And if you know of a sweater pattern close the ones Fred’s mother used, please let me know!
Ten Daily Tasks
My first Goodreads giveaway!
As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m eager to get the word out about my children’s picture book. I’ve set up a giveaway on Goodreads. No need to like, share or sign up for anything. You do need a Goodreads account however. Two winners will receive a free copy of my book!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Where’s the Turkey?
by Caroline Jones
Giveaway ends November 07, 2017.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Welcome to my Studio
National Cancer Survivors Day
Artists at Work: Jasper Johns (May 15, 1930 – )
Jasper Johns’ explained that his use of familiar imagery – flags, letters – derives from “things the mind already knows.”
Note: There are many sites listing artists by their birthday and presenting their biographies. My project differs because I am focusing on the artists’ process whenever possible, and giving just a brief summary of their work along with my comments. Being able to peek into artist’s studios is fascinating to me. I’m hoping to learn more about how artists work and maybe find some artists who are new to me.